Mark Holtsman, Pharm.D.

Co-Director, Inpatient Pain Service
UC Davis Medical Center
Clinical Professor
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
University of California, Davis School of Medicine

 As Co-Director of the Inpatient Pain Service at UC Davis Medical Center, Dr. Holtsman provides pain management consultations to a wide variety of patients with pain and suffering requiring expert pharmacotherapy.

Dr. Holtsman has responsibility for education of Anesthesia Pain Fellows, Residents, and Medical Students in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at UC Davis Medical Center.

Dr. Holtsman developed a six week Pain Management Rotation for pharmacy students and residents and trains an average of nine students and four residents each year.

Dr. Holtsman has extensive experience as a pain educator and public speaker which has been invaluable in his work as an expert consultant in medical-legal cases.

Dr. Holtsman has published research in the areas of pharmacist managed pain services, barriers to pain management, and breakthrough pain treatment in cancer patients.



Dr. Holtsman has provided expert consulting on a variety of medical-legal cases:
  • malpractice regarding pain medications
  • malpractice regarding inappropriate dispensing of pain medications
  • malpractice related to sedative medications
  • malpractice regarding symptom management at the end of life.

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